These course notes are for my own study purposes during my time as undergrad in Computer Science at Ryerson University. Feel free to use them, but use with caution as they are largely incomplete, and possibly (probably) full of inaccuracies.
Semester 8
Semester 7
- CPS511 Computer Graphics
- CPS730 Web Technology and Performance Measurement
- CPS842 Information Retrieval
- CPHL701 Philosophy and Film
- MHR405 Organizational Behavior
Semester 6
- CPS506 Comparative Programming Languages
- CPS615 Theory of Parsing
- CPS616 Analysis of Algorithms
- MTH820 Image Analysis
- PHL504 Philosophy of Art
Semester 5
- CPS510 Database Systems I
- CPS633 Computer Security
- CPS706 Computer Networks
- CPS721 Artificial Intelligence
- HST555 Modern China
Semester 4
- CPHL605 Existentialism
- CPS310 Computer Organization II
- CPS406 Software Engineering
- CPS590 Operating Systems I
- GMS200 Intro to Global Management
- MTH304 Statistics
Semester 3
- CMN300: Communication
- CPS213: Computer Organization I
- CPS305 Data Structures
- CPS311: Object Oriented Design & Analysis
- MTH108: Linear Algebra
Semester 2
- CPS209: Java II
- CPS393: C & Unix Unix Sheet C Sheet
- FRE201: French II
- MTH210: Discrete II
- MTH310: Calculus II
Semester 1
- CPS109: Java I
- FRE101: French I
- MTH110: Discrete I
- MTH207: Calculus I
- PCS110: Physics
Note: I keep all my detailed notes in electronic format. If you need some help with some course material, and these summaries aren’t doing it for you, then drop me an email