Ryerson Computer Science CPHL605: Existentialism
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1 Immanuel Kant
- pre-existentialism; essence-based philosophy
- first modern thinker on human relationships and morals
Critique of Pure Reason
- influenced by British Empiricism who claimed that A POSTERIORI (knowledge from the senses) is the only legitimate form of knowledge
- argued that A PRIORI (knowledge prior to sensation) was legitimate, though not provable
- also argued that God cannot be proved or disproved; must be accepted "on faith"
- critical of the Empiricists' "thinking God into existence"
- heavily influenced also by Newton and his laws of physics - thought that there must be a parallel for what drives humans
Critique of Practical Reason
- focused on rational faculty of human conduct
- ideal of freem of will means WILLING obediance to moral law
- act only on maxims or principles that could be accepted by every person -- UNIVERSALLY
2 Friedrich Schleiermacher
- suggested that religion is a "lived" experience (subjective, unique to each person), not to be directed by dogmas
- tried to move religion out of the domain of knowlege and morals, cannot be confined to any single department of human selfhood, rather underlies the whole of it
- this is a hesitant departure, but departure nonetheless from essence-based philosophy, thus perhaps F.S. the first existentialist philosopher
3 Soren Kierkegaard
- religious truth is subjective
- 3 stages of authentic self-hood:
- aesthetic
- ethical
- religious
- full realization of authentic selfhood requires "leap of faith"
4 Friedrich Nietzsche
- pastor father died when Nietzsche was 6 - event likely shaped his life and how he viewed religion and God (why would God take his father)
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
- God is no longer a concept deserving serious philosophical attention
- suggests that waning Christian morals "killed God"
- clear departure from essence-based philosophy; in existentialist territory
- authentic human experience, ideal, transcendance to Ubermensche (over-man), higher level of morality, "beyond good and evil"
5 Jaspers
- god speaks through ciphers, displayed in all forms of being: history, art, nature, etc
- felt that people should not try to translate
- said that myths are the means by which people can gain access to ultimate reality
6 Heidegger
- brilliant existentialist thinker
- was a nazi
7 Jean-Paul Sartre
- considered 'classic' example of modern existentialist
- asserted that human existence comes before essence (main tenet of existentialism)
- discussions of God not considered useful philosophical exercises
- if we are completely free, then we may be in a valueless universe
- you are responsible; you have the right and duty to choose
- wrote "Nausea"; character discovers that life is meaningless; "hell is other people"
- facticity is that about ourselves that we cannot change; like race, gender, nationality, etc
- everything else is a choice